Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Brace

My "Christian's" ankle is not in great shape. It's a target joint and has continued to give him problems. I am noticing that when he runs he adds a skip into his gait. Without his brace, he turns his ankle to 90 degrees. He's protecting it. Without knowing he is doing it, he protects his ankle so that he doesn't endure the horrible pain he has had in the past.

Am I doing the right thing letting him playing tee ball? I am really starting to question myself.

Christian was fitted for a brace to support his ankle several months ago. It has really helped him out. His hematologist was worried that Christian might even develop a bleed in his hip because he was over compensating for his ankle. I have to let him take a break from his brace occasionally because it rubs against his leg and it gets hot. I also hate that it makes him "look" different.

It just breaks my heart.

I am waiting on a call to have an MRI taken as well as an initial consultation so that he can start physical therapy. With his inhibitor, we just have to keep on going with the hopes of getting on Factor VIII soon. At a fellow hemophilia mom's persuasion, I am going to insist that we have regular MRI's to keep tabs on any damage that is being done.

As a former colleague of mine used to say, "we'll just keep on keeping on."

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