Bleeds never happen at very good times.
When you are walking out the door….On test day….Right after you tell the HTC there have been no bleeds for months…2 am…
Last night, my "Christian" started complaining that his ankle was hurting, sure enough the entire night was filled with pain and constant infusing.
Then we got one of those phone calls that haunt you forever...word that my mother-in-law passed away.
Life goes on. Bleed or no bleed. It just what we have to deal with.
There's no sense getting upset about a bleed...we just have to treat the bleed and deal with the other stuff around us as it comes (not always as easy as that just sounded).
My mother-in-law adored my children. She wasn't scared of hemophilia. She embraced it. She saw past the bleeding disorder and looked directly into the souls of my children and loved them like only a grandparent can love a grandchild. They are going to miss her hugs and visits...and suitcase surprises.
I miss her terribly already.

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