Friday, September 23, 2011


I don't like change. It is inevitable. But I still don't like it. We are having some pretty major issues with the deterioration of our current Hemophilia Treatment Center. It is very scary, especially when the next closest one is at least six hours away. But sometimes the decisions that are most difficult are the most important and extremely necessary.

I need a hematologist that is experienced with inhibitors monitoring my "Christian." Any hematologist will not do. That was an important piece of advice I picked up at the Inhibitor Summit this past summer. I can't keep my head in the sand and think that overnight everything will be in place at the treatment center. It will take time.

No matter what it takes...traveling out of state, making phone call after phone call to follow up, driving a long distance for routine blood work...I have to make sure my son is being monitored as best as possible.

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